#KelolaUang dengan
Reksa Dana

Learn More about Investing with Mutual Funds

Information Options

Understand Your Investment Complaint Procedure


Customers can submit complaints to STAR AM on business days from 08:30 to 17:30 WIB through the following means:

  1. Telephone;

  2. Message;

  3. WhatsApp;

  4. Letter;

  5. Email; and

  6. Walk in (in person)


  • STAR AM will receive, record, and document every complaint submitted by the customer and/or their representative.

  • STAR AM will verify the complaint submitted.

  • STAR AM may request customers to provide supporting documents if necessary. Customers have 20 business days to complete the required documents.


  • STAR AM will verify the complaint and the completeness of the documents submitted by the customer.

  • Follow-up on verbal complaints submitted by the customer will be completed within 5 business days from the receipt of the complaint.

  • Follow-up on written complaints submitted by the customer will be completed within 20 business days from the receipt of the complete documents.

  • In certain circumstances, STAR AM may extend the resolution time by a maximum of 20 business days if:

    • The customer has not completed the required documents;

    • The customer's documents are located outside the customer's domicile;

    • There are other factors beyond the customer's control.


Responses to complaints will be communicated to the customer either verbally or in writing. In the event that no agreement on the complaint resolution is reached, the customer, the Investment Manager, and/or the Custodian Bank will resolve the dispute through a dispute resolution mechanism, either mediation or arbitration, through the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution (LAPS) under the terms, conditions, and procedures as stipulated in the Financial Services Authority Regulation concerning the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution in the Financial Services Sector and in accordance with the dispute resolution procedures issued by LAPS and approved by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). This also refers to Law Number 30 of 1999 concerning Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution, including all its amendments ("Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution Law") as relevant.



Customers can submit complaints via the application or website provided by OJK, which is the Consumer Protection Portal Application (APPK). Customers can access the Consumer Protection Portal (APPK) application via the website https://kontak157.ojk.go.id/ https://kontak157.ojk.go.id/