Equity Mutual Fund

STAR Global Sharia Equity USD

Attractive long-term growth with placements in USD-denominated securities on the Sharia securities list. Suitable for those with a high-risk profile.

Last Unit Price

Tue, 25 March 2025

Daily NAV

USD 0,83


Total Assets Under Management

USD 1.46JT

The STAR Global Sharia Equity USD Sharia Mutual Fund aims to provide an attractive level of investment income denominated in United States Dollars in the long term, by investing in Sharia Securities listed in the Sharia Securities List in accordance with the Investment Policy.


Professional Management, Diversification, Tax Free, Growth Potential, Ease of Disbursement

Effective date 25 January 2021 Minimum Purchase USD 10,000
Tanggal Peluncuran (NAB USD,1) 25 May 2021 Minimum Resale USD 1,000
Denomination USD Purchase Fee Maximum 2%
Investment Policy
  1. Stock Securities 80% - 100%
  2. Money Market 0% - 20%
Resale Fees Maximum 2%
Transfer Fees Maximum 2% Risk Profile Aggressive
Custodian Bank Standard Chartered Bank
FundFactSheet_RDS STAR Global Sharia Equity USD - 28 Feb 2025

High Risk Mutual Funds

High-risk mutual funds are investment vehicles designed for investors seeking high investment growth potential, albeit with greater risk. Funds are invested in financial instruments with higher risks, such as stocks of well-performing companies, stocks in rapidly growing sectors, or possibly alternative assets with high volatility.

The main advantage of high-risk mutual funds is the potential for high returns over a relatively short period. Instruments such as stocks have a greater growth potential compared to low-risk instruments such as bonds or other low-risk financial instruments.

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