Covid-19 Vaccine News Increases Capital Market Optimism

THE Indonesian government is reported to be bringing in a Covid-19 vaccine in the near future. Currently the government is checking the vaccine in China.

In the first stage, it is estimated that 3 million vaccines will arrive which are targeted to be sent to Indonesia starting in November 2020.

Commissioner of the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI) Pandu Patria Sjahrir said that the news regarding the Covid-19 vaccine which will soon be distributed must be responded to with optimism. This was conveyed in a webinar with the theme "Investment Optimism Post COVID-19 Vaccine" organized by Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia (Aldira) and STAR Asset Management (STAR ​​AM), Wednesday (7/10).

"From the information I got, to be honest, we have many reasons to be more optimistic, because the (vaccine) tested in America and China is quite positive," said Pandu in a webinar which was also attended by economist and former Indonesian Minister of Finance Chatib Basri, and President Director of the Indonesian Stock Exchange Inarno Djajadi.

This was agreed by economist Chatib Basri, who also served as President Commissioner of KPEI, adding that news about a vaccine that will soon be available will immediately make the capital market excited, even though there is no certainty about when the vaccine will be distributed.

“The stock market usually works six months faster than realization. So the news is, once it (the vaccine) is available, that (optimism) will happen. "He already had the price-in 6 months earlier even though the vaccine couldn't be distributed yet," said Chatib in a press statement, Thursday (8/10).

Pandu also said that in the future, the renewable energy sector will be very interesting, apart from technology companies which are continuing to make approaches to immediately take the floor on the Indonesian capital market, and there is already a strong desire in that direction.

“The future of renewable energy is very clear. One thing we have is nickel. I think we can write our own destiny ourselves. Where when we talk about electric cars, after all it requires nickel," he said.

According to Pandu, what the government has done over the last four years can make Indonesia become the largest electric vehicle player in Southeast Asia.

"Don't forget that our country is also a very large nickel player, one of the largest processing plants in the world is now also in Indonesia, and that will be a big benefit for us. And God willing, these players will also be included as players in the market too, of course," concluded Pandu.

Rudy Utomo as Director of Aldiracita said that the Covid-19 pandemic is a good opportunity to invest by paying attention to three things, namely sectors that are not affected by Covid-19 or at least have a small risk. Aldira sees that a number of stock sectors are still promising as investment areas in 2020.

"Aldira recommends that shares in the pharmaceutical sector will increase as the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic will increase demand for pharmaceutical products. The public is now aware of the importance of health and the Covid-19 vaccine will enter the distribution stage. "Not to forget, shares in the technology and e-commerce sectors are predicted to continue to experience growth in line with disruption and changes in new lifestyles since the pandemic and in the coming year," he said.

Meanwhile, STAR AM President Director, Reita Farianti said that market movements with high levels of volatility need to be balanced with an understanding of the risk profile so that investors can determine which asset class is appropriate for the investment instrument they want to own. One of the appropriate investment instruments during this pandemic is Mutual Funds, because they have a variety of risk levels so they can be adjusted to the profile and needs of each investor.

“To achieve optimal levels of return, fund management should be handed over to investment managers who have the ability to adjust the profile of each investor. One of the superior products that is currently trending is Index Mutual Funds, because they are considered safer but capable of providing good returns. "One of STAR AM's products, the SRI-KEHATI index mutual fund, is recommended for investors who want to have a positive impact on social and environmental aspects in the midst of the pandemic." (RO/OL-09)
