Attractive Dividends from STAR Asset Management Protected Mutual Funds (RDT STAR Protected XIV)

Jakarta, 24 June 2021

Indonesia is again facing a surge in the emergence of new variants of Covid-19 in the second quarter of 2021. This has a definite impact on the Indonesian economy and people's purchasing power, especially in terms of investing. However, in the midst of this surge, it actually gives confidence to Investment Manager companies such as STAR Asset Management to launch investment products that offer fixed rates with attractive returns to potential investors.

RDT STAR Protected XIV is a Protected Mutual Fund product which was launched on Wednesday, June 23 2021 which provides returns to investors every 3 months where the first investment results will be paid in September 2021 with a maximum maturity of December 11 2025. With a minimum purchase of IDR 1,000,000,- RDT STAR Protected XIV can be purchased by potential investors, both individuals and institutions.

Head of Institutional & Intermediary Business STAR Asset Management, Kemal Fajri Mohsin said, "By investing in this investment instrument, investors get protection for the principal if it is not cashed out until the product matures. "A return of 8% per annum is also an attractive incentive for investors at a time when global economic conditions are still full of uncertainty coupled with low interest rates."

RDT STAR Protected I-Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Sustainable Bonds Phase III 2020 Series C; Sustainable Bonds II-Sinar Mas Multifinance Phase II 2021 Series B.

Through this Underlying, RDT STAR Protected To provide easy access to purchasing Mutual Fund products for individual customers, RDT STAR Protected XIV is also offered through our distribution partners such as MIRAE Asset Sekuritas, Raiz Invest, and KELOLA.