Looking for profit during the pandemic? Check out STAR AM's newest product, STAR Protected XI Protected Mutual Funds

Investment Manager PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management (PT STAR AM), launched the STAR Protected XI Protected Mutual Fund product on Friday 03 September 2021.

Although the Mutual Funds that are generally known are usually conventional types such as money markets, fixed income, shares and so on, Protected Mutual Funds (RDT) are no less interesting and have many benefits. Protected Mutual Funds are a type of Mutual Fund product that will protect 100% of the investor's investment principal until maturity, as long as the investor does not sell it back before maturity.

Head of Institutional & Intermediary Business STAR Asset Management Kemal Fajri Mohsin said, RDT STAR Protected XI provides returns every 3 months with the first investment distribution paid in December 2021 and due on September 3 2028.

Kemal explained that the underlying asset or basic asset of this Mutual Fund product is Hutama Karya II Sustainable Bonds Phase I 2021 Series C with an idA (Pefindo) rating. As we all know, Hutama Karya is a State-Owned Enterprise (BUMN) which operates in the field of construction services, developers and toll road service providers.

"With this underlying, Star Asset Management is optimistic that it can provide potential returns of 8.10% net per year to its investors through the STAR Protected XI Protected Mutual Fund," said Kemal.

According to Kemal, Mutual Funds are one investment instrument that can be considered because they have relatively low risk compared to other investment instruments such as shares, especially amidst the turbulent economic conditions during the Covid-19 pandemic which are still full of uncertainty. Therefore, protection of the principal value of the initial investment plus the potential for returns above 8% is an attractive added value for investors.

For information, as of August 31, the total AUM including KPD and Mutual Funds from Star AM was IDR. 5.6 Trillion. The AUM of the STAR Protected XI Protected Mutual Fund is IDR. 125.2 Billion.