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STAR Asset Management!
About STAR Asset Management
PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management (PT STAR AM) is a subsidiary of PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia, a brokerage firm established on May 5, 2004, and authorized by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) as an Investment Manager – OJK Letter of Authorization No. KEP-09/PM/MI/2004. STAR Asset Management provides professional, reliable, and trustworthy investment management services in the Indonesian capital market.

Our Vision
To become a professional, reliable, trustworthy, and innovative Investment Manager in Indonesia's capital market industry; while protecting the interests of clients.

Our Mission
- Providing the best service facilities for customers
- Providing a variety of quality investment products that suit the needs and characteristics of customers
- Building business partnerships and business alliances with capital market industry players at home and abroad
- Contributing to the best of our abilities in developing capital market literacy in Indonesia
- Innovating by leveraging technological advancements

PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia is a securities company that has been operating since June 28, 1990. PT Aldiracita Sekuritas Indonesia provides financial services through three main business units: Investment Banking, Fixed Income, and Equity.

PT Nirmala Taruna is a limited liability company established since 1994, engaged in general trading, including import, export, and contracting services. Up to now, PT Nirmala Taruna continues to focus on developing its business in the financial services sector.
Organizational Structure

Corporate Governance
PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management (PT STAR AM) has and implements written policies and procedures related to risk management that identify and periodically monitor overall risk positions and by type of risk, including mandatory steps to be taken if these risks occur. The risk management division collaborates with related divisions in carrying out risk management activities. The risk management function is established with the responsibility as the second line of defense in the Three Lines of Defense method within the company's organizational structure to support the company in achieving strategic goals and implementing all business strategies.
PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management (PT STAR AM) recognizes the importance of implementing good corporate governance (GCG) as a reference for the company to enhance long-term business value and growth sustainably. The company, along with its Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners, and employees, is committed to conducting its business with honesty and integrity and in accordance with all legal requirements and high ethical standards. The company is also committed to fair and equal treatment of all levels of management and dedicated employees. The ongoing implementation of corporate ethics will shape the company's culture, which is a manifestation of the company's values. The company's ethics are reflected in its corporate code of ethics, which is developed based on the fundamental principles of GCG, including Transparency, Accountability, Responsibility, Independence, and Fairness.
Whistleblowing is established in the form of anonymous complaints to report concerns about misconduct or violations such as fraud, criminal activities, and dishonesty committed by employees of PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management (PT STAR AM). If you wish to report indications of internal violations at STAR AM, you can do so through the following email address: [email protected]
The violations that can be reported are actions that, in the view of the reporting party acting in good faith, are considered to be the following:
- Corruption, as defined in the law governing corruption;
- Conflict of interest, as regulated in STAR AM's company regulations.
The elements of a report on alleged violations are:
- Presence of alleged violation;
- Where the alleged violation occurred;
- When the alleged violation occurred;
- Who the STAR AM employee involved in the alleged violation is;
- How the alleged violation was carried out.
The Anti-Bribery Management System (SMAP) is designed to provide guidance and a framework for PT Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management (PT STAR AM) to systematically develop SMAP so that all activities related to SMAP implementation can be implemented and continuously improved. The SMAP guidelines are intended to provide guidance to all STAR AM employees to prevent, detect, and respond to bribery as follows:
- Enhancing the understanding and compliance of all STAR AM employees with the SMAP
- Creating an environment that is conscious and knowledgeable in handling/controlling all forms of bribery.
- Providing reference and guidance to employees on the importance of complying with the SMAP to protect themselves and their immediate families from potential allegations of bribery.
- Creating STAR AM employees who are clean and free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism.
Annual Report

Fastest Growing Asset Management Company in Indonesia 2022 at the Global Banking and Finance Review Awards 2022